Questions…questions… questions…


As human beings we can be rightly full of questions or wrongly full of questions.

What do I mean?

Well – God is only too glad if you bring your questions to Him.

But if your questions are really accusations in disguise, then He has this to say in response:

Now as you can see I have not quoted every part of the verses, that I might draw attention to specific phrases.

There is the type of questions that come from scoffers.

They have no intention of changing their opinions, they have hardened themselves against God and His ways and don’t want answers from Him. They simply and ignorantly want to accuse God unjustly, prefer their own self-righteousness than acknowledge God’s righteousness.


Christians however, have more answers stored away in their hearts or in the ancient texts, than the rest of the world population, who do not believe in Christ. How come?!

Because we have a book (The Bible), that is far greater than every piece of Artificial Intelligence – Internet – or any other means of a factual CONGLOMERATION OF INFORMATION.

This book  (the Bible) is greater and carries more important information than all the AI (Artificial Intelligence), put together –  because it is the only means of GLIMPSING INTO THE ETERNAL REALM OF EXISTENCE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN THE HEAVEN OF HEAVENS – commonly referred to as the hereafter.

Not only does this book give us answers about this life – but, when we meditate on it’s pages – it opens us up supernaturally to the eternal realm.

The bible says Colossians 3/

You see not only does the Word of God convey things that we can grasp WITH OUR UNDERSTANDING as human beings, it also opens us up internally to the spiritual realm. If we operate in faith.

Notice we are being exhorted to not only read the word – but let it dwell richly in us.

Why? Because regardless of whether we understand it or not – when it dwells in us it effects our very inner-being in a powerful way.

Of course this only works when we have a relationship with Jesus Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Where He is not welcomed into our lives through believing that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God – then the bible for such an unbelieving person, is just so many words written on parchments.

So this spiritual opening up takes place PROVIDED THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD who provides His enlightenment to what we otherwise cannot see or properly comprehend.

Acts 19/

The people being addressed here (by Paul the Apostle) were God-searching people. 

People who wanted to follow God but yet their spiritual education and spiritual experience, was lacking and limited.

In fact they needed to hear the most important part of acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord of all. 

The most important part – being, the need to repent of sin, reach out in prayer and ask The Holy Spirit to come into their lives, in order that they be guided into further and eventually someday – all – truth. John 16/13.

He (The Holy Spirit) will ONLY EVER come – in response to believing on The Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world.

He (The Holy Spirit) must have the acknowledgement of the Lordship of Christ and the acceptance of Christ fully and honestly – before He will come to us, and give us the further enlightenment we need, thus enabling every human being to know the reality of God.

The Holy Spirit leads us to God The Heavenly Father experientially, through faith in His Son Jesus the Christ, – both now and in eternity.

But we cannot approach God the Father without The enablement of The Holy Spirit of God.

This enablement is provided firstly through our exposure (if we allow it to happen) – to the truth of The Bible.

And He (The Holy Spirit) cannot help us in this way, until we come to God, through believing on and welcoming Jesus Christ as Lord of all, into our life. John 14/6.

However – when will we come to Him? Will you, will I, come to Christ in prayer today?

Truth is, God is taking the first step. And although He may not have been welcomed into our/your life He graciously influences us with His truth in order to get us to follow Jesus Christ and His ways, and therefore to welcome Him into our life.

So bring honest questions to The Lord in prayer, and then turn to the means of answering those questions (the Bible), and ask Him to guide you to His understanding about what it is you ask.

These Words of God are not like any other words. His Word is not ordained to be left written in stone or parchment, but upon the human heart, after which by dwelling in/on this Word of God, we receive enlightenment, and therefore answers.

Don’t be amongst the predicted scoffers*. Don’t wilfully forget God**. 

Seek Jesus the Christ today. Acknowledge your sins to Him. Turn from the imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and accept that the book He has preserved is for eternity, and is the only guide to true truth, on the planet, and beyond.

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