Tag Archives: morality



The dictionary definition of the word deliberation is this:

Dict:- 1 long and careful consideration or discussion:

In all our deliberations. In all the examination of situations in life, and in our endeavour to reach perfect conclusions, we must balance our thinking by the fact that there are no perfect conclusions.

To see something perfectly from every angle is to have The mind of God Himself. And the bible says ‘We know in part’, not in full, as God knows. (I Cor. 13/9,13)

Solomon exercised wisdom by suggesting the baby be cut in two – thus revealing the true mother’s heart. But don’t think that – that was the only solution to the situation. (I Kings 3)

Why not receive a ‘word of knowledge’ instead?

[supernatural knowledge given by God directly, rather than acquired knowledge by examination or communication of facts] I Corinthians 12/8 NKJV

as to who the right mother was? Instead he received a ‘word of wisdom’ as to how to EXPOSE THE WRONG MOTHER. God knew that would work (I Corinthians 12/8) NKJV.

The bible says in Proverbs 4/7:

Today how much wisdom is present in world leaders?

Moral principles are cast aside for all kinds of other things, oneupmanship, and a hunger for power with career opportunities as the chief motivational factor in a man/woman stepping up to supposedly make a difference.

So what does the wisdom look like, – that we should all seek after?: Here it is James 3/17. Look it up for yourself.

Any deliberations we make, should be made before God in prayer.

Where we can get His enablement and help. In fact He says:

James 1/

In this day and age, as wisdom flies out of the window to be replaced by bickering and fighting, rudeness, negative pulling down of those who are not in our camp to the degree where there is no room for coming to agreement. As a madness falls over the corporate mentality of the world.

We must flee to the Saviour’s side and seek His wisdom and knowledge from above, to win the day for us.

Live ‘n let live?


Many people do not have a concrete ‘philosophy’ or ‘belief system’ by which they live their lives.

Many want a family life, loving their kids, earning a living, setting themselves on a materially progressive journey to an even ‘better’ life.

They want to be normal. ‘Normal’ will differ for different folks. But part of normal for some is expressed in the old adage – ‘live and let live’ – an adage that is void of any concrete idea of what is right and what is wrong.

So that ‘live and let live’ adherents, tolerate certain immoral behaviour in others. Although not embraced by them regarding how they live their own life.

They nonetheless tolerate it in their minds, as long as it doesn’t encroach itself on their ‘world’ or family life.

The idea is to make no moral judgement. Until we receive harm from those we are ‘let(ting) live’, and then see how quickly ‘live and let live’ evaporates as an opinion, when personal damage is incurred.

The folks who ‘live and let live’ may hold heterosexual views, but don’t want to condemn those of other persuasions.

If people want to take drugs they may concur – ‘it’s up to them…’ 

We will stick to a bottle of wine at, and after, a good meal. ‘What’s on Netflix that we want to watch tonight.?”

Then they have pastimes that they are somewhat passionate about – sport, keeping fit, art collecting, motorbikes, caravanning, perpetual home decorating, music, entertainment, concerts, collecting of whatever kind and so on…

“Not enough days in the week, what with having to spoil it with working for a living”.

There can be a thin line between what is ‘pleasurable’ and what is ‘sinfully pleasurable’. Examples would be – going for a walk in nature – a legitimately pleasurable experience. Sleeping with another man’s wife – not.

Many don’t know where to draw the line. Many differ in their opinions as to where to draw the line. 

Many draw no line.

A ‘no line’ life is like walking along a pier eventually the ‘no line’ philosophy will take you over the side into the chilly waters of no return.

‘Problem is’ – God has said where the line must be drawn. He differentiates what is permissible and what isn’t.

For many minor ‘indulgences’ in life God encourages freedom of choice that is decided by the individual’s conscience, in communion with Him.

For other things starting with the Ten Commandments God makes the line very clear.

In pop music culture over the years the lyric about ‘walking the line’ is to be found.

We all know that morals are a matter of opinion in this world order.

Thing is, God has His order. The order of the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is where His people are, Where his rule – rules. His presence rules internally for every born again believer in Christ Jesus. His Word is the lamp of the kingdom to guide us through this moral-less or pseudo-moral world.

Walking the line refers to an attempt to be true. The straight and narrow as it is referred to.

‘The narrow way’ that leads to life, is a biblical phrase.

But more than a phrase stolen by the pseudo-moralists of the world, it speaks of walking in an intimate and uninterrupted fellowship with The Living God.

Scripture tells us – Matthew 7:14

14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Live and let live will not do as a moral compass for society’s behaviour:

Matthew 15:14

14 Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”