Tag Archives: Watercolour

Irish landscapes


Every artist (painter) – can refer to his art practice as a journey.

Some latch-on to a winning formula and because they have to earn a living, they stick with it, because of sales.

What they do is often skilful and is the result of the accumulation of learnt technique, that serves them well.

Other artists are not satisfied with formulas, and are ever-searching with their brush to find something new, first for themselves, and then for any public that cares to care.

I learned whatever skill I have, by sticking (for quite a few years) to the one medium of watercolour, producing for a period of time, what is almost a genre in it’s own right i.e.: Irish landscapes.

The pull towards producing more intuitive work, moved me on in my journey.

But here is a group of pieces that come under the Irish landscape heading.



Art moving on


Deep snow (watercolour) – by Ken Riddles

As time has gone by, my enthusiasm for spreading my art work has greatly diminished.

Even though a young man in an older body, the body that keeps getting older (commonly known as corruption), – ambition seems an increasingly less attractive characteristic to embrace.

Every now and again I get smitten with what I call an Ecclesiastes complex. (All is emptiness/meaningless…) Ecclesiastes 2/1-3

This is a good and a bad thing at the same time.

Good because it should motivate us to seek the superlative things which are above, and give priority to them.

Bad – because if we are not careful we shall wallow in a ‘what’s the point’ attitude – which can be destructive.

When a painting leaves the coral – through time I forget where it went, whether sold or gifted to someone – and then suddenly it pops up in an auction room ‘going for song’ – as they say.

I don’t mind this – it gives the painting legs to find new friends.

But obviously the first owners have grown tired of it. Hey! That’s ok too.

So this painting I found – on said auction site. I thought it should be shown again. 😎