

The dictionary definition of the word deliberation is this:

Dict:- 1 long and careful consideration or discussion:

In all our deliberations. In all the examination of situations in life, and in our endeavour to reach perfect conclusions, we must balance our thinking by the fact that there are no perfect conclusions.

To see something perfectly from every angle is to have The mind of God Himself. And the bible says ‘We know in part’, not in full, as God knows. (I Cor. 13/9,13)

Solomon exercised wisdom by suggesting the baby be cut in two – thus revealing the true mother’s heart. But don’t think that – that was the only solution to the situation. (I Kings 3)

Why not receive a ‘word of knowledge’ instead?

[supernatural knowledge given by God directly, rather than acquired knowledge by examination or communication of facts] I Corinthians 12/8 NKJV

as to who the right mother was? Instead he received a ‘word of wisdom’ as to how to EXPOSE THE WRONG MOTHER. God knew that would work (I Corinthians 12/8) NKJV.

The bible says in Proverbs 4/7:

Today how much wisdom is present in world leaders?

Moral principles are cast aside for all kinds of other things, oneupmanship, and a hunger for power with career opportunities as the chief motivational factor in a man/woman stepping up to supposedly make a difference.

So what does the wisdom look like, – that we should all seek after?: Here it is James 3/17. Look it up for yourself.

Any deliberations we make, should be made before God in prayer.

Where we can get His enablement and help. In fact He says:

James 1/

In this day and age, as wisdom flies out of the window to be replaced by bickering and fighting, rudeness, negative pulling down of those who are not in our camp to the degree where there is no room for coming to agreement. As a madness falls over the corporate mentality of the world.

We must flee to the Saviour’s side and seek His wisdom and knowledge from above, to win the day for us.

Blind to blindness


There’s a blindness of the mind

In which – many cannot see

But with eyes wide open they look to perceive

And have no problem with what their eyes believe

They grasp readily – what is available

But examine nothing on the spiritual ‘table’

Life’s too busy to spend time on the hereafter

Preferring to remain at the secular altar:

“My mind’s made up with earthly guff

Don’t give me none of that god stuff”

For this they are willingly ignorant

Preferring to remain belligerent

They turn away from reason – based on fact

And look away from the God-man to act

Walking in the darkness with their back to the light

There is coming a day when they will receive such a fright

When suddenly the light will come into view

As they pass from earth into heaven’s queue

Goat’s from the sheep will the separation be

No person will escape the judge’s final scrutiny

‘Depart from Me’ or ‘approach in My Grace’

All Christians will go to their prepared place

So now is the time to let the light in

It must happen now to rid you of sin

Come to Jesus and ask The Master to approach

He is willing to come and wipe away your reproach

See it – that you don’t see

And you will be

On your way to getting a new mind

Where the gospel of ‘Seek and you will find’

Is your salvation and that by none other

Than Jesus Christ Your Lord – Saviour – and Brother

Who’s going to…?

Who’s going to…?

Who’s going to love you when love is scarce?

Who’s going to help you when all are emersed

In the fog of unreality where care has suffered theft

Who’s going to direct you when wisdom has left?

Who’s going to tell you (when the truth – has lost lovers):

‘That there is only one who sticks closer than brothers’

Have you noticed the gradual decline

That is increasing in the fast forwardness of time?

Many have gone astray –

from The One who calls every day

Knocking at the door of your heart

Calling you to follow Him and be set apart

Far from that maddening crowd – to be –

One day – caught up with Him in the cloud

Choose this day whom you will serve?

Or will you avoid Him with another body swerve?

Neither to the right nor to the left

Straight on – to the foot of the cross you must go

And in humility and brokenness you will know

Jesus The Christ is right by your side

Asking if He can come-in to abide

Answer today as you dash through the fog

He is really there in the clearing (perhaps by that log)

His presence unseen but as sure as the air

He – who is willing to place you in His care

You Tried


Over and over again

You reflect and remain

Down on Balcony Street

Where you meet

Acquaintances that don’t remain

You offer friendship – but they just complain

That you are ‘too-clingy’ and ‘full-on’

Before you know it – they are gone

You’re still searching in cafe – park and tree

Still looking for friendship you can see

Demonstrated in friendly gestures

Hands that help and shared futures

Shared hopes and failures to listening ears

But no real friendship appears

You stand up one more time

To greet a-friend-of-a-friend

They don’t want to engage

But take courage this is not the end…

To be loved…


There’s something within us all that I want to examine.

And at a guess I don’t think you have even thought of it. (?)

Just a guess of course, on my part. I can’t know for sure.

When performers/entertainers appear on talent shows, they are often found gushing – on ‘how much success on this show will mean to them’. ‘I really want this etc.’

“I want this more than anything…” – Those kind of gushings.

What is it they want?

Well firstly, we might say they believe they have talent and they want others to believe it too.

Backing up a bit from this desire, we can start by saying that before this, they want to be noticed.

To be noticed. But is this resultant attention, the right kind of love? Is this the love we need?

When two children, perhaps the same age, are together with their family, and one steps forward to ‘perform’ in front of their ‘audience’ – by perhaps reciting a rhyme, or singing a song, or doing a dance, they usually receive a large round of applause and affirmation from their loving family.

The other child usually feels immediately, the need to compete. So they set about showing what they can do.


Because it is within us all to want to be appreciated. And when someone else is getting that affirmation – it provokes the other child to want the same affirmation.

They too want to be thought highly of. And to receive/achieve this – the child performs.

And it feels good, or gives us satisfaction, to think we are loved and appreciated or thought to have talent. Everybody wants to be loved.

If we can think of this basic human need and examine it thoroughly – we still might be only scratching the surface of why it is so important to us.

Which brings us to the question of why we do anything in life. Literally anything that involves others.

Doing well at school, at our job, at our club, at our church, at our local government, at a sport, in a drama, musically, at the Duke of Edinburgh awards and so on.

We write a blog post. Why? Why send it out there to others? What do we want to ‘get out’ of it, doing so?

Is it right to say that there is something we are unconscious of wanting, that causes us to ‘do things’.

We are examining motive, here.

Sometimes we so enjoy exercising our ability that a sense of having produced what we set out to produce – is reward enough, without the affirmation of others.

In the case of celebrities, pop stars, actors, comedians, etc. – they need that constant affirmation – they like to ‘thank’ their fans, and as the attention continues and they get the rave revue’s – everything is thought to be exactly as they desired it to be.

Why then do so many of them end up a mess? Broken, addicted, and so on? Seems this crowd adoration isn’t enough?

They like to remain up the popularity charts. It is their career – and they do earn a living out of it – and want to remain financially secure, living in the manner they have become accustomed to.

But they like – beyond the financial reward – they like to be admired and for many they like to be ‘idolised’ by their adoring public.

What is that?

What does that feed inside a person?

The devil took Jesus (as in they conversed together) – up to a high mountain and said: Luke 4/

The bible talks about… I John2/

—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – How much we are free from these things is THE BIG QUESTION.

Jesus was asked ‘on board’ by this fallen angel. 

Had He yielded then, like the original Adam did, He too would have fallen under the dominion of sin, and this diabolic spirit’s dictatorship.

His nature would have changed, and that is the crux of the matter – God’s nature is the total opposite to man’s fallen nature.

All the above is the product or fruit of the fallen nature.

And success so gushed over and desired usually involves the above.

The enemy of mankind who is out to weaken the nations and keep the world in deception, offers us everything that will fulfil the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

So many find that the enjoyment of all the things that fit these categories find also that the serpent has a sting in his tail – ready to strike when the time is right. That’s why so many fall prey to collapse, bondage and death.

They enjoy the adoration for a season – on the way up – absorbing all the attention fame can give. 

Slowly the over-exposure and constant scrutiny begins to grate on them and resentment takes its place. Or their ego is not satiated and they still continue to need more.

Mankind was not made to be worshipped, he was made to worship.

To be in a relationship with The Only Living and True God – is to be aware of the life of The Holy Spirit through acceptance of Jesus the Christ.

This awareness is living in a different dimension that must be maintained from the day of acceptance of Christ onwards.

By maintenance of this uninterrupted fellowship, we operate out of a different mind set, and are then able to understand and appreciate (when it comes to the things of this life) – that: I Timothy 6/



As we look at disparate philosophies and ideologies in our world today, if one was to be overly simplistic we come to the conclusion (and with this many would concur) that we have various activated scenarios that can be summed up in these terms:

Left wing and right wing.

Left (amongst many other things we could say about both) tending towards atheism and right toward a belief in God.

But things are a little (sic) more complicated than that, I’m sure you’ll agree?

And yet! Removing ourselves from all these philosophies, and ideologies, here is a verse from the bible that speaks to all who are and who will become Christians. I Corinthians 11/

Highlighting the word simplicity. It is necessary to point out – simplicity not, as in ignorance, or naivety. Certainly not as in foolishness. It is not ‘bury your head in the sand’, and don’t use your brain.

But we find here and indeed throughout the scriptures a reference to the pure, loving, good, fruit-filled life of The Lord Jesus Christ. 

Simplicity therefore, as in wholesomeness, and embracing of the fact that regardless of your intellectual prowess – the gospel message speaks to all of mankind. And with God’s essential enlightenment all can understand it.

Jesus The Christ, is wise, tender-hearted, compassionate and He speaks powerful direct and life-giving words, to all – in the hope they will listen.

The amplified version of this exhortation in I Corinthians 11/3 reads

So as the Word of God is nuanced, here simplicity, is replaced with wholehearted, sincere and pure.

This is far removed from the mental gymnastics of the doubting mind, filled with every invented philosophy that exalts itself against the intellect of God.

Here Paul tells us of how they went about spreading the gospel:

II Corinthians 1/12

Not with fleshly wisdom, Paul says.

The world has a modern version of a stacked high ‘bonfire of vanities’, that would seduce us from the…

Abstract thoughtlessness


I spied with my little eye – people at the art show

Seated on the hard bench – I breathed a sigh

What right – this sigh have I – to breath?

I run to shyness in fear of impropriety

But they look and point and discuss

The naturalistic rendition the painter has provided

Having barely given the other two works the time of day

So you see why – my sigh

As the abstracts did not attract their eye

And the abstracts they thoughtlessly passed by